Thursday, July 17, 2014

Portfolio - Building Science 1 [BLD60803]


Modern Architecture Studies in Southern Asia (MASSA) Research Unit
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Architecture)

Project 1: Case Study- Identifying innovative Passive Design Strategies

This is the only project that we had for this subject. This is a group project of 5 peoples. This project intends to encourage us to understand the importance of passive design. Passive design is design that does not require mechanical heating or cooling. Building that are passively designed take advantage of natural climate to maintain thermal comfort. The tasks that we had to do for this project is to choose two buildings which is one from Kuala Lumpur and one building in Singapore that best features a passive design strategy for tropical climate and recognized as Green Building. After a series of discussions with my groupmates, we had chosen G-Tower in Kuala Lumpur and Nanyang Technology University of Art, Design and Media in Singapore. Before that, our class had went to a site visit in Singapore which allows us to have a site analysis of that building that we chosen and understanding the passive design of it.

Report of G-Tower

Report of Nanyang Technology University of Art, Design and Media

Throughout the process of this project, I did learnt a lot of things. It made me understand what is thermal comfort and the factors relating to thermal comfort. It enables us to criticize design of the space in terms of thermal comfort by referring to MS1525, Green Mark Standards. In addition of that, it allows us to identify and define the principles of heat transfer in relation to building and people and also the effect of it. Besides, it increases my knowledge of the effect of insulation, thermal mass and air movement on thermal performance of buildings. I also realized that tutorial classes ware also very helpful for me which it enabled me to familiar with each topic that taught during the lessons. I was very appreciate to all my tutors, Ms Suja. She gave a good tutorial to me every time. She was so helpful and guided us a lot whenever we met any difficulties and problems in doing our assignment or the understanding of the lectures.

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