Thursday, July 11, 2013


Modern Architecture Studies in Southern Asia (MASSA) Research Unit
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Architecture)
Project 1A: Onsite Sketching
Onsite sketching makes its ability to showcase our know-how, on the spot

Through this project, I’m able to understand and articulate a space and how the objects in it functioned the space. Besides, through observation and perception, this assignment helps me develop my skills in visualizing of space and also in sketching as a mode of communication.

In addition, I also learnt that standing or sitting point is very important  for a onsite sketches. As it will affect the outcome of the drawing and also the ability of exploding the objects. The following sketches consist two exterior and two interior.

Project 1B: Tonal Values

Tonal value is the light or dark of a colour independent of its chromaticity.

Through this project, I had learnt that value is the most important design element of a painting and it is hard to overstate the importance of good value structure to the impact of visual art.

Besides, through different medium, this assignment helps me to develop my skills in communicating in various tonal and depth values and also different types of hatching. It lets me understand the idea or notion of space and how it used the space in architecture. Besides, I also learnt the various types of sketching such as stipping, cross- hatching, hatching and scribbling.

Project 2A: Orthographic Projection

An orthographic projection is a two-dimensional drawing of a three-dimensional object, using two or more additional drawings to show additional views of the object.
For this project, we had chosen Barcelona Pavilion. Through this project, I learnt that orthographic projection is what architects use to show a planned building, with separate drawings showing different views of the planned building. besides, I also learnt how to visualize 3-D objects from drawings and showing their orthographic views.

This project lets me understand the basic principles of orthographic projection and I’m able to construct orthographic views of simple objects. In addition, I also understand the importance of the line weights and line types and how they affect the quality of a drawing. Besides, I also learnt how to render well in order to bring out the quality of the materials.

Project 2B: Axonometric Projection
Axonometric drawing is a 3-dimensional single view drawing of an object or design drawn to scale. Parallel lines remain parallel. Usually drawn at 30/60 or 45 degree angles. This drawing is also a visually instigating and exciting way of expressing an idea clearly with minimal words if executed well.

In this project, I can put my knowledge of  Barcelona Pavilion into good use by generating an external axonometric projection and a sectional axonometric of  it. Besides, since I undertook a variety of practical exercises, so I can build up my skills and confidence with the technique.
Furthermore, through observation and perception, this assignment helps me develop my skills in visualizing of space.
Project 2C: Perspectives

Perspective is a technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface. The two most characteristic features of perspective are that objects are drawn:
Smaller as their distance from the observer increases
Foreshortened: the size of an object's dimensions along the line of sight are relatively shorter than dimensions across the line of sight

Through this project, I’m able to express the spatial idea and architectural detail in three-dimension form in the format of one-point and two-point perspectives and the skills in drawing and composition. Besides, I can understand the relationships between 2D and 3D in architectural graphics and also the creativity and complexity of drawing. Through these, I can apply and generate them to the design process and also presentation.





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