Thursday, July 11, 2013


Modern Architecture Studies in Southern Asia (MASSA) Research Unit
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Architecture)
Project 1A: Onsite Sketching
Onsite sketching makes its ability to showcase our know-how, on the spot

Through this project, I’m able to understand and articulate a space and how the objects in it functioned the space. Besides, through observation and perception, this assignment helps me develop my skills in visualizing of space and also in sketching as a mode of communication.

In addition, I also learnt that standing or sitting point is very important  for a onsite sketches. As it will affect the outcome of the drawing and also the ability of exploding the objects. The following sketches consist two exterior and two interior.

Project 1B: Tonal Values

Tonal value is the light or dark of a colour independent of its chromaticity.

Through this project, I had learnt that value is the most important design element of a painting and it is hard to overstate the importance of good value structure to the impact of visual art.

Besides, through different medium, this assignment helps me to develop my skills in communicating in various tonal and depth values and also different types of hatching. It lets me understand the idea or notion of space and how it used the space in architecture. Besides, I also learnt the various types of sketching such as stipping, cross- hatching, hatching and scribbling.

Project 2A: Orthographic Projection

An orthographic projection is a two-dimensional drawing of a three-dimensional object, using two or more additional drawings to show additional views of the object.
For this project, we had chosen Barcelona Pavilion. Through this project, I learnt that orthographic projection is what architects use to show a planned building, with separate drawings showing different views of the planned building. besides, I also learnt how to visualize 3-D objects from drawings and showing their orthographic views.

This project lets me understand the basic principles of orthographic projection and I’m able to construct orthographic views of simple objects. In addition, I also understand the importance of the line weights and line types and how they affect the quality of a drawing. Besides, I also learnt how to render well in order to bring out the quality of the materials.

Project 2B: Axonometric Projection
Axonometric drawing is a 3-dimensional single view drawing of an object or design drawn to scale. Parallel lines remain parallel. Usually drawn at 30/60 or 45 degree angles. This drawing is also a visually instigating and exciting way of expressing an idea clearly with minimal words if executed well.

In this project, I can put my knowledge of  Barcelona Pavilion into good use by generating an external axonometric projection and a sectional axonometric of  it. Besides, since I undertook a variety of practical exercises, so I can build up my skills and confidence with the technique.
Furthermore, through observation and perception, this assignment helps me develop my skills in visualizing of space.
Project 2C: Perspectives

Perspective is a technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface. The two most characteristic features of perspective are that objects are drawn:
Smaller as their distance from the observer increases
Foreshortened: the size of an object's dimensions along the line of sight are relatively shorter than dimensions across the line of sight

Through this project, I’m able to express the spatial idea and architectural detail in three-dimension form in the format of one-point and two-point perspectives and the skills in drawing and composition. Besides, I can understand the relationships between 2D and 3D in architectural graphics and also the creativity and complexity of drawing. Through these, I can apply and generate them to the design process and also presentation.






Modern Architecture Studies in Southern Asia (MASSA) Research Unit
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Architecture)
Project: Precedent Study
In this semester, we had only one project in this class. However, this assignment had divided into four sections which are essay writing, analysis presentation board, model making and lastly is the verbal presentation. Even though it only one assignment but each section has its difficulties to do it. This assignment is a group work of four persons. Through several times of discussions with my group mates, finally, we had chosen Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore which is in the period of Early Christian and Byzantine & Romanesque Architecture.

Front view of Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore 

The Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore is a church of Santa Maria Maggiore, it is the largest

Catholic Marian church in Rome, Italy. It is located on Piazza del Esquilino in Rome in the 5th century.  Its construction was ordered by Pope Liberio who they say on August 5th 356, he saw the Virgin Mary in his dreams. She indicated him where to construct the church through a snow fall that happened on the Esquilino Hill. This is the reason why the church is also called by the second name of Saint Mary of the Snows). It seems, however, that the actual Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica was built under Sisto III who erected it and dedicated it to Mary’s motherhood, just after the Council of Efeso in 431.
The bell tower with its pyramid-shaped point dates 1300, and with its 75 metres it’s the tallest in Rome.
Apse area of Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore
Interior of basilica
Mosaic in the triumphal arch
Nave mosaic from the story of Moses

Reliquary of the Holy Crib

In the first part of this assignment which is essay writing, I did learnt a lot of basic knowledge if this church such as who is the architect of this building, why and how it built, function and purpose of the building and etc. Besides, it lets me understand the basic architectural theory through a consideration of intentions, concepts, patterns, disciplines, architectural language and contextual relationships.

Here comes to the second part of the assignment which is a analysis presentation board of this building. We are requires to include floor plan, sections and some analysis diagram. The following picture is my analysis presentation board.

 Through this presentation board, it lets me able to learn the interior detail of this building especially the spatial organization analysis. I really learnt a lot from that. In addition of that, I understand the sequence of historical periods and how they are represented architecturally and also how to differentiate he ways in which many varied factors contribute to the development if form.
Here comes to the third part of the assignment which is model making. In this model making, we had chosen the front and the interior part of Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore. The following pictures is our model.



Throughout the process of this model making, I really realize that team work and communication are very important! Really thanks to my group mates and I appreciate a lot during the process of completing the assignment. It might found it hard to do at the beginning and yet, after discussing with my group members, I was able to understand well. The following pictures are our verbal presentation to our tutor, Mr Sarly.  









Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia (MASSA) Research Unit

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Architecture)

Project 1A: My Home My Space

This is my first assignment in building materials class. In this assignment, we are required to select five materials in any space in our home. For me, I have selected my bedroom in Suriamas. The following picture is my bedroom. Inside it, I have selected 5 materials which are laminated board, solid timber door, ceramic tiles, plywood and Nippon paint.

This is my bedroom!!

My finalized assignment board!

Through this assignment, it lets me understand the different materials used for construction, finishes and furnishings. Besides, I did learnt the importance of materials to a building as it would affect the quality of it.

Portfolio - Penang Study Trip

In 26th- 28th April, our whole class went for a study trip to Penang. On the way to Penang, we went for a visit to a marble factory in Ipoh. In this visitation, I had learnt the difference between marble and granite. I'm also very glad to see how marble are made and the whole process of making of it.

In Penang, we went to visit the Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion in George Town. This mansion is considered as one of the 10 greatest mansions in the world. It also the winner of National Architectural Award for Conversation 1995.

Main entrance of Cheong Fatt Tze

Stained Glass Window

Ceramic Tiles

Project 1a: '' Materiality of Space : An experiential exploration''

This assignment is a group work of five persons. In this assignment, we had chosen a five storeys bungalow in Park City Height. Since this bungalow consists of five storeys, therefore, we had chosen the third floor which is the living room and dining room as our space. The following pictures are taken from the bungalow.

 Throughout the process of this assignment, I understand the reasoning behind choices made by certain designer in terms of concept, functional use, environmental response, environmental profile, structural requirement, availability of resources when selecting or proposing a building material. In addition of that, I also understand the physical and chemical properties of the building materials being used in existing buildings and spaces and also their standard construction names.

Project 2 Integration: Material Specification

The final project has a connection to our studio final project which called My City DreamSpace. The materials that we used in our hideout in studio is the assignment of this subject. The following picture is my hideout design in studio.

This is my finalized assignment board!

This is my finalized assignment board!

Through this assignment, I understand how the building materials selection can affect the aesthetic and structural values of their design. Besides, I also understand the effects of building materials on occupancy, aesthetics and structural qualities of a space and building. In addition of that, I did learnt how importance of building materials are as they would affect the qualities of the whole space and building.






Modern Architecture Studies in Southern Asia (MASSA) Research Unit
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Architecture)

Project 1: Self-Expression through Object


This is my first assignment in my university life. This assignment is to express and present yourself by referencing artwork and different types of art forms. The following picture is my first drawing of self portrait. However, through my tutor feedback, I knew that this drawing doesn't show any personalities and characteristic of me. Then I gave it up and made another drawing.

This is my second drawing. The small pictures in the brain represent my personalities, which are optimistic, helpful, perfectionist, and also stubborn. The two masks below represents sometimes I have two- faces. But, I also gave up this drawing because it's too direct.

Finally, I didn't choose to draw but end up in making a model. The following picture is my final model. The oval shape is a egg shell while the wire web is a bird nest. the egg shell represents me and the bird nest represents my family. The concept of this model to tell that things always stand with a stable base. It symbolized that my family are the one who leave me up. They gave a lot of support to me and encouraged me.

Through this project, I did learnt a lot of things. It lets me understand the basic methods of generating ideas and abstracting conceptual narratives for design and also how to express different idea in different artistic expression which I think these will help me a lot in my others coming assignment. Besides, it helps me to generate the ideas and concepts through interdisciplinary modes of art and design.


Project 2: Self-Expression through Architectural Space

In this project, we had to express ourselves into a space and build up a 1:1 installation. This project is connected to our previous project. This assignment is a group assignment of 3 people. Honestly, I was still very blur about this assignment as I was not good enough in expressing myself. Luckily the ideas and different point of views throughout the discussions with my bunch of group mates may lead me to further cope up with the ideas on how to do. Finally, we had chosen introvert as our theme. The below pictures are some of our small design model.

In the end, we combined the design of the first and fourth picture.

Our final model!!

My group mate and me:)
The space that is presented from the pictures above is introvert. Introvert are usually quiet, reserved and introspective. They tend to focus more on internal thought, feelings and mood rather then seeking out external stimulation. However, being introvert does not necessarily mean shyness. Introvert are just more comfortable being a lone at times. This design is created in a way to show how an introvert feels in public and private. In public places, introverts tend to feel insecure, uncomfortable and a lack of confidence. The wall is designed in criss-crosses t indicate the inability of introverts in expressing their thoughts. They tend to feel the tension when they are surrounded by unfamiliar people. On the other hand, introverts tend to feel a lot more relaxed and protected in an enclosed space alone. Their ideas are better expressed in words and illustrations rather then speech. A sofa and side table are built in the space on the left to allow them to relax their mind comfortably after a long day of thinking. Even though introverts do not like interacting with people, they have their own creative thinking and they learn best through observation. This is represented by Aztec prints as windows on the wall that symbolize creativeness, which also allow them to make observations through it.

 Throughout the process of this assignment, I really realized that team work and communication are very important! Really thanks to my group mates and I appreciate a lot during the process of completing the assignment. Besides, I also learnt the idea of scale and proportion and how the human body relates to space and how space relates to human body.  I realized that tutorial classes were also very helpful for me which it enabled me to familiar with each topic that taught during the lessons. I was very appreciate with every tutorials as Mr Eu Shuen gave a good tutorial to us every time. He was so helpful and  guided us a lot whenever we met any difficulties and problems in doing our assignment or the understanding of the lectures. In addition of that, it might found it hard to do at the beginning and yet, after discussing with my group members, I was able to understand well. The whole process is quite difficult and sometimes felt very tired of doing it.  And yet, I didn't grouse about the heavy work load as I know it's part of the journey and a way of learning process in  my university life. 

Project 3: Space for the Self

Finally, my final assignment in studio comes. In this assignment, we are required to watch fours movies and after finished watching them, we have to choose our flavour movie in four of them and in the meantime, we also have to  take 10 screenshots and create our own character and storyline. Finally, I have chosen Ghost in the Shell. The beginning part of this assignment is a group work of five persons. From the 10 screenshots, we have chosen one to built our site model. The following pictures are our site model.

Front Elevation


Right Elevation
Left Elevation
Back elevation
Here comes to the second part of the assignment which is individual. This time, we required to design a hideout space for ourselves by engaging it to the walls of an imagined city. The below pictures are my design of the hideout.


This is my final model!

My presentation board

My presentation board

The concept of this design is to provide a comfortable and relaxation feeling for the character which is a spy who had been hacked by a hacker. Some of the furniture inside this hideout are movable as I wanted to create a bigger working place for the character. This idea I took references for a Hong Kong Architect, Gary Chang. The angular forms of the external design symbolized a vessel of motivation and excitation as they reflected the personality of the character which is agitated in doing work. Besides, I wanted to break the rigidity of the surrounding building as all of them are built in very organised. I create a walkway in front is because I wanted the people from outside to focus their view to it instead of looking behind. The easy way to say is to camouflage the hideout behind.
Throughout the process of this assignment, I was very grateful as there are lots of people lend me a hand in completing this project. Besides, I did learnt the importance of materials used in a design as they would affect the quality of the building and also the properties of it. I also understand how human anthropometry and ergonomics relate to and inform space.
Site Visit
In the 20th of May, our tutorial group made a site visit to Pj8 Service Suite. The aim for this site visit is to experience the space in it. The following three pictures are taken by me.
I took this picture is because I want to show the penetration of light into the space and the trees plant inside a small space. Besides, it also shows the relationship between the natural and space.
In this picture, I want to show the shadow is made up by the space. Without a space, shadow would not form.
In this picture, I want take the scale between a human body and the space. Without a scale,
we won't know how big is the space is by just looking at the picture.